Are you a busy mom struggling to keep up from week to week? If so, a weekly reset routine is just what you need.

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Do you wake up on Monday morning feeling stressed and unprepared? Are you tired of worrying about all the things that need to get done and whether or not you forgot something? Do you feel like life is just passing you by? That you’re just going through the motions and trying desperately to keep your head above water.
So many moms feel like this. But that’s no way to live!
Imagine instead popping out of bed on Monday morning ready to take on the week. The house is tidy. The fridge is stocked. You know exactly what is happening and what your family will be eating. The laundry is done and no one will be scrambling to find things as they run out the door.
This is all possible with a weekly reset routine- the simple and foolproof routine for you to reflect, recharge, and reset for the week ahead.
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What Exactly is a Weekly Reset?
A weekly reset is a set of simple tasks that will help you prepare for the week ahead. It helps you to clear your mind of all the clutter that has accumulated over the previous week. It’s an opportunity to hit the pause button and focus on what’s really important. It also sets the stage for a productive week ahead.
A weekly reset can be just a few steps long or it can be super detailed and extensive. That’s the beauty of it; you can tailor it to fit your family’s needs and your season of life. You can even adjust it week to week based on how crazy things have been.
Some weeks I complete all 12 steps in my weekly reset routine. On other weeks I only feel the need to tackle a few of them. The goal is to do what YOU need to do in order to set yourself up for a successful and productive week.
Why Should You Have a Weekly Reset Routine?
A weekly reset routine is the best way to start the week out on the right foot and stress-free. There are so many benefits to having a routine that works for you.
- It allows you to refocus on the things that truly matter
- Sets you up for success
- Takes the mental load off your plate
- It helps you to stay organized
- Your week will run more smoothly
- Allows you to enjoy your weekend
- Keeps the “Sunday Scaries” at bay

When is the Best Time to Do a Weekly Reset?
Typically a weekly reset is done on the weekend to best prepare for Monday, but if that doesn’t work for you then change it up! The beauty of a weekly reset routine is that it can be done whenever works best for YOU!
That might be on Sunday afternoon when the kids are taking a nap. Maybe you are a stay-at-home mom and you prefer to wait until Monday morning when the kids leave for school. If you work weekends you might want to tackle the list on Friday so you don’t have to think about it over the weekend.
You can even split a weekly reset up over the course of a few days. Find a time that works for you and get it done!

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Weekly Reset Checklist
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Start with a Brain Dump
One of the best ways to clear your mind and refocus on what’s important is to do a brain dump. Grab a sheet of paper and write down everything that is on your mind no matter how big or insignificant. All those tasks that you have been putting off or just don’t have the time for, the appointments you need to get scheduled, or the household items you need to stock up on.
The goal of a brain dump is to get rid of all the mental clutter so you feel less overwhelmed.
Once you have everything out on paper you can organize the list, prioritize what’s important, and more easily focus on the task at hand.

Plan out Your Week
Every Saturday or Sunday carve out a few minutes to plan out your week in your planner or calendar. Write down any meetings or appointments that are happening, things going on at the kids’ school, extra-curricular activities, days when your husband is working late, etc. I even like to pencil in my workouts so I know I have time blocked out for that.
If you have a partner make sure they are in the loop as well. I keep everything in Google Calendar to make sure my husband also knows what is going on. This is especially helpful if I need him to help get the kids to and from activities or if we are double booked and have to divide and conquer. When everyone is on the same page you won’t be stuck scrambling at the last minute.

Simplified Planner
As a busy mom, I couldn’t live without my planner. I write down everything including appointments, school events, and to-dos.
After mapping out your schedule, create a weekly to-do list. This is where the brain dump you did will come in handy. Decide on what tasks are most important and mark them as a priority! I personally only like to have a top 3 of each day- the three most important things that absolutely have to get done.
Make sure you also take a few minutes to update your family command center so everyone is in the loop about the upcoming week.
Having everything scheduled out in one place will help you stay organized and give you a game plan for the week. Just be sure not to overlook yourself. Leave a little white space for those things that always pop up unexpectedly.

Meal Planning and Grocery Shop
I don’t know about you, but the thought of coming home at the end of a long day not knowing what we are eating stresses me out! Next to planning out the week, meal planning and stocking up on groceries is the most vital part of my weekly reset routine.
Each week I sit down with my planner and decide on all of our meals for the upcoming week. I then place a grocery pickup order so I have everything we need before the new week begins. This is the number one way we avoid eating out and sticking to our budget. It also keeps our weeknights a little less chaotic.
I have been doing this for so long that I have it down to a science. If you are a newbie check out all of my meal-planning tips and tricks for busy moms.

Clean Out the Fridge
Once a week take five minutes to clean out the fridge. I typically like to do this before I meal plan. This way I know if there are any ingredients I can include in an upcoming meal. Letting food go to waste is the worst, especially with the cost of groceries these days. Knowing what is in your fridge is the best way to avoid doing this.
Once your fridge is cleaned out, you are ready to stock it with your grocery order for the week.

Cook One Large Meal and Meal Prep
If you find yourself scrambling to get dinner on the table on busy weeknights, consider cooking a large meal on Sunday that can get you through the first couple of days of the week. I like to make items that will stretch like Spaghetti, chili, soups, or roasts. It is so nice to come home on a Monday knowing dinner just needs to be heated up.
You can also take some time to prep any other food you may need for the week. Wash and slice the fruit. Cut up the veggies that you will need for a recipe later in the week. Make the kids’ sandwiches ahead of time. Anything that you can do now to make mealtime easier during the week- DO IT! Your future self will thank you.

I love cooking a big meal in my crockpot over the weekend. It makes the house smell so good while I’m prepping for the week.
Tidy the House
After a busy week of work and school, chances are the house is looking a little rough. Take some time to tidy up before the new week starts. This is a great task to enlist the help of the entire family.
You clean you get your house is completely up to you. You may be the mom that loves to do a big deep clean. Or maybe you’re looking for time-saving tips when it comes to tidying up. There is no right or wrong way to go about this.
I personally use this time to pick up any clutter, vacuum, and change the sheets. I also make sure the bathrooms are in decent shape. If I’m feeling crazy I might even mop! I always make sure our home is organized and livable. I don’t spend hours stressing over every little speck of dust.

Bed Sheets
I loved climbing into freshly washed sheets at the end of the weekend. These are my favorite sheets- so soft and at a great price point!
Catch Up on Laundry
How often do you find yourself digging through laundry baskets on Monday morning looking for your daughter’s missing sock or your son’s soccer jersey trying to remember if they have even been washed? We’ve all been there which is why you need to add this task to your weekly reset routine.
Start your week with all of the laundry washed, dried, folded, and even put away (gasp!) I personally wash a few loads throughout the week and use the weekends to fold and put away. In all honesty, my husband usually does this late at night while watching TV.
Other moms find it more manageable to do one load a day. Find a system that works for you and stick to it. Knowing you’re starting the week with empty laundry baskets, a decluttered and organized laundry room, and closets full of clothes you need is the most freeing feeling!
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Clean Out the Car and Get Gas
I don’t know about you but by the end of a long week of carting kids around my car looks like a bomb went off. Before the cycle starts over on Monday, take 5 minutes to clean out the car. Grab a bag and collect all the stuff that has piled up- papers, random socks, candy wrappers, and toys.
When you head out to get groceries make a pit stop at the gas station to fill up. Even if you aren’t on empty top off so you won’t have to stop during the week.

Update Budget
Updating your budget every week is so important to reach your financial goals. Each week I sit down with my budget spreadsheet and pull up my online banking account. I update any spending we have done throughout the week and see how much I have left in each category.
I also make note of any bills that need to be paid and schedule a day to get that done. Tracking finances every week will help you to take control of your money. It will also make you much more aware of what exactly you are spending.

Zero Out Inbox
Another task that is great to tackle if you have a few extra minutes it zeroing out your email inbox. This is an easy one to tackle when you have some downtime. If you’re waiting on your grocery pickup order, pumping gas, or even when you are waiting for water to boil for the meal you are cooking.
Grab your phone and get rid of any emails you don’t need. Flag anything that needs your attention and unsubscribe from those junk messages that keep cluttering up your inbox.

Prep the Kids
Prepare your kids for a new week, too. Depending on their age they may be able to handle this task on their own or help with it. Clean out their book sacks and sign any papers they may have. Wash their nap mats and make sure their lunch boxes are ready. If they have after-school activities or sports, have all of the uniforms and gear packed up and accessible.
You can even go so far as picking out their clothes for the week or setting out their uniforms. We use a hanging organizer and it is a game-changer when it comes to getting ready in the morning.

Hanging Organizer
Great for laying out clothes for the week and keeping important school t-shirts or sports uniforms in one place.
I always make sure to clean out our family command center to make sure no important paperwork went unnoticed. I like to start each no week with an empty comand center and a clear head.

Command Center Baskets
These are the baskets that are hanging in our family command center. The kids clean out their folders daily and put papers here along with any mail that comes in. I clean it out weekly.
Relax and Recharge
No weekly reset is complete without taking a little time to relax and recharge. In fact, this might be the most important step in the entire routine. While being productive and organized goes a long way to ease your stress, taking some time for yourself is essential too.
Turn off your phone, take a bubble bath, read a chapter in your book or go for a walk. Think about what makes you feel happy and relaxed and do it. Don’t forget to spend some time making memories with your family, too. After all, isn’t that what the weekends are for!
For even more ideas check out THIS POST for 21 ways to prioritize yourself as a mom!

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There’s no better feeling than going to bed on a Sunday night knowing you’re ready to tackle the week ahead. With a good weekly reset routine, you can rest easy knowing you are prepared. You’ll also love how much more smoothly your week flows.
If you want to see my weekly reset routine in real time, make sure you are following me on Instagram. I share lots of routines, mom motivation, and productivity tips in my stories.
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What do you like to do to get your week started off right? Let me know in the comments below.
This post was all about a weekly reset routine.
Thanks so much for reading and sharing!

Brought your full busy mum meal plan kit. haven’t even got to the end page yet and have already found 2 spelling mistakes….
Hi, please let me know what pages these are one. I can fix these and send you a new copy asap. I am so sorry about that!