Looking for some easy and effective goal setting tips for moms? You’re in the right place- Let’s GOAL get ’em, mama!

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Life as a mom is a constant balancing act, filled with responsibilities, surprises, and moments that make it all worthwhile. However, amidst the chaos, it can be easy to lose sight of your personal goals and dreams…am I right?
I believe setting goals isn’t just a creative exercise — it’s an essential tool for staying grounded and intentional, even on the busiest days.
If you know me (or follow me on Instagram) you know I LOVE goal setting. I love talking about goals and helping other mamas even more! Every year I commit to setting intentional goals for my life, and I want to share my strategies with you.
While my own personal goals will look different from yours (because every mom’s situation is unique), I hope you’ll find inspiration and some helpful goal setting tips for moms to create a plan tailored to your life.
*** I’ll update this blog throughout the year to share my quarterly and monthly goals, as well as the progress I’m making — so bookmark this page and check back for fresh content every month! For easy navigation, use the table of contents below to jump ahead to any section.
•Why Goal Setting Is Important for Moms
•My Personal Goal-Setting Process
My Overarching 2025 Goals
2025 Vision Board
Quarter 1 Goals
January Goals
How I Stay Accountable
Start Setting 2025 Goals that Work for You
Why Goal Setting Is Important for Moms
Being a mom means juggling it all — parenting, marriage, work, and personal aspirations. Goal setting offers clarity and purpose amidst the often unpredictable nature of life. Here are some of the benefits I’ve discovered from setting intentional goals as a mom:
- Provides Focus: Defining your priorities helps ensure that your time is spent on what matters most.
- Boosts Productivity: With clear goals in mind, it’s easier to make decisions and take purposeful action (even with a packed schedule).
- Builds Confidence: Checking goals off your list, no matter how small, is empowering! It reminds you that you’re capable of growth and achieving big things.
- Enhances Balance: Goals keep you aligned with the life you want to build—for yourself and your family.
If you’ve felt like you’re always on but hardly moving forward, goal setting is your way out of the hamster wheel.
My Personal Goal-Setting Process
Over the years I have used trial and error (and a few different goal-setting planners) to figure out the perfect system for me. While it’s always a work in progress, I’ve gotten it down to a science of what makes me most productive. Today I’m sharing my best goal setting tips for moms with you!
For the past several years, I’ve used the Cultivate What Matters Power Sheet. This year, I’m switching tools and exploring Plan With Laken. (Side note for my fellow goal-oriented moms who love planners: I’ll share updates on how Plan with Laken works for me!)
While I won’t get into details of the planning system (since it is not mine), I will say it starts with a very detailed reflection of the previous year as well as a section on discovering your “why” and getting a clear vision of the year ahead.
My goal-setting strategy involves three levels of planning—yearly, quarterly, and monthly goals—to gradually build habits and accomplish objectives throughout the year.
My Overarching 2025 Goals
Before we dive into my personal goals for 2025 I want to put a disclaimer out there- goal setting is a marathon, not a sprint. I have been doing this for YEARS and have made SO much progress, but I did not start out here. Do not compare your beginning to my middle. Take it slow and steady and do what works for YOU!
Okay, now that that is out of the way let’s chat goals! I structure my yearly goals around eight main categories. Each one is broad enough to encompass a variety of experiences and specific milestones, but it gives me clear direction throughout the year.
It is important to keep in mind that I pretty much use these same categories from year to year. I change up the action items inside based on specific things I want to accomplish each year, but many of these goals are things I’ve been working on for years, like my routines.
Here are my 8 Overarching Categories:
- Motherhood/Family – Prioritizing quality time with my kids, fostering open communication, and creating family traditions.
- Marriage – Strengthening my relationship with my husband, Jason, through intentional date nights and consistent check-ins. A strong marriage is the backbone of a great family unit. I know we have to prioritize time for each other, especially in the season of raising young kids.
- Finance – Staying on top of budgeting, saving, investing, and tackling long-term financial goals.
- Faith – Deepening my spirituality and putting God first.
- Health – Nourishing my body through exercise, healthy habits and mindful eating.
- Personal – Honoring my passions with monthly “me-time” activities, like reading and crafting as well as creating productive habits and routines.
- Home + Spaces – Decluttering and organizing our home to create an environment that feels peaceful and productive.
- Work/Life Balance – Learning to set boundaries and unplug when needed. This involves saying “no” more often and dedicating certain hours to family without interruptions.
(Note: I use separate systems to manage my work goals, so those aren’t included in this post.)
I personally write out my overarching goals as “I AM” statements. This means I can look at them daily and envision the person I want to become.

I then create a brain dump of things I’d love to achieve in each category over the year. This is a very broad outline and gives me direction throughout the year as I’m breaking down my goals.

2025 Vision Board
The final step in my overarching 2025 goal-setting process is to pick a word of the year and create a vision board. I use Canva and make a collage of inspirational images and phrases that I can look at daily. I print out several copies, laminate them, and put them in various spots where I know I will see them daily!

Quarter 1 Goals
Here is an outline of my 2025 Quarter 1 goals. Below I break them down and go into more detail about what I’ve envisioned for each category.

- Watch Classic Movies with the Kids– We love family movie nights, but we pick the same movies over and over. This year I want to introduce my kids to “classic” movies that Jason and I grew up watching. Think The Wizzard of Oz, Mrs. Doubtfire, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, etc.
- 1-on-1 Time with Each Kid– We started this at the end of 2024 and our kids LOVE it so we are continuing it this year. Each month Jason and I alternate spending solo time with each of the kids. It’s been so good for all of us and they look forward to their special time.
- Family Road Trip– In March we are taking another road trip and checking off 3 more National Parks from our list! (The goal is to hit all 63 before they graduate college!)
- Explore Baton Rouge– There is so much to see and do in our city so the goal this quarter is to find at least 1 new place to visit as a family.
- Prioritize Family Nights– Consistently schedule at least night one night a week to spend time as a family. Typically we do free things at home like Friday pizza and a movie night or Sunday game night.
- Screen Free Time– Jason and I have talked a lot about screen time and trying to limit it as much as possible this year (within reason). The goal is to be completely screen-free on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings (including TV).
- Monthly and Weekly Check-Ins– I want to get more consistent at sitting down with Jason for 15-20 minutes each week and at the beginning of each month. The idea is to schedule an intentional time to touch base about things going on, our goal progress, what needs to be done, etc. In true Nicole fashion, I even created an accountability check-in agenda.
- Monthly Date Night– out of the house with no kids!
- Fun Quarterly Date– 1 fun and unique date night that we will alternate planning each quarter
- Weekly Date Night at Home– Each week we want to prioritize an at-home date night. After the kids go to bed we will make a fun cocktail and pick a card from our “Year of Movie Night Dates” box (that I got Jason for Christmas!
- Invest Money for the Kids– Each kid has a 529 plan that we try to add money to each quarter.
- Weekly Budget Check-In– this will be done in our weekly check in meeting
- No Spend Days– this year in an attempt to be more intentional about what I spend, I’m attempting no-spend days.
- Save Per Pay Check– I want to put a certain amount of money into savings from every paycheck.
- Pay Off Truck– Jason got a new truck last year and we are hoping to get it paid off this quarter.
- Pray the Rosary– I want to make this a habit, so I’m putting it on my goal list to do monthly.
- Confession– I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I haven’t been to confession in YEARS. I want to start going again.
- 1 Random Act of Kindness– I want to donate my TIME to helping someone
- Watch The Chosen– Everyone in my Bible Study group raves about this show, so I want to start watching it. The goal is one episode a week for now.
- Bible in a Year– I attempted this plan last year and didn’t get too far, so I’m trying it again. I know I won’t get to this every day (especially while I’m fitting in Bible Study lessons). I’d LOVE to get halfway through the plan.
- Church– We do a pretty good job on this one most weeks. However, I want to make attending mass a priority, even when we are out of town.
Health and Wellness
- Meal Plan– Weekly meal planning is a non-negotiable for me which I want to continue this year. Only this year I want to focus on HEALTHY meals.
- Meal Prep Lunches– Every Sunday afternoon I want to prep 4 healthy lunches for the week so they are ready to go, no excuses!
- Drink More Water– With the holidays, I’ve been slacking on this so I’m trying to build back up to 64 ounces a day.
- Eat More Protein– Prioritize eating 75-100 grams of protein a day…another one I will have to build on.
- Move My Body– I want to work on increasing my step goal each month with the help of my walking pad.
- Start Working Out– Find a plan I like and start small
- Use the Yuka App– In an attempt to start substituting food and products in our house, I downloaded the Yuka app. I know this will be an ongoing goal. I don’t plan to waste anything by throwing it out, but moving forward I want to be intentional about buying healthy products.
- Find New Healthy Recipes
- Style Analysis– As part of my goal to create a capsule wardrobe I’m getting a style analysis done from House of Colour. I did my color analysis in September and I’m SO excited for part 2.
- List of Birthdays + Reminders– I want to start sending cards to people I love on their birthdays, so this quarter the goal is to get everyone’s birthday set as a reminder in my phone.
- Read 20 Books (including 2 personal development)
- AM and PM Routines– My AM and PM routines are my favorite, but they are constantly evolving with my season of life. This quarter I want to continue to work on consistency in completing all the steps because I know what a difference it makes in my productivity!
- Gratitude– daily
- Skincare Routine
Home + Spaces
- Create a List of Spaces to Declutter– This is another goal that gets carried over from year to year. I feel like I am constantly decluttering and re-organizing (inevitable with 3 little kids). This starts with making a list of every space I want to get to and breaking them down into manageable chunks.
- Declutter 4 Areas from the List– I will pick these areas once the list is made and get specific in February and March.
- Revamp Cleaning Schedule– While the ultimate goal is to have a cleaning lady (a girl can dream, right?), currently these tasks fall to me. I’ve had a pretty good cleaning schedule in the past, but I’d like to revamp it a little.
- Work on Our 2022 Family Photo Album– yes, I’m behind! I’d love to catch up by the end of the year.
- Work on Travel Journal– I want to make a travel journal of all the places we’ve been since getting married. The goal this quarter is to map it out and finish 2016.
Work/Life Balance
- Phone Free Time– Every night from 6-8 I want to put my phone in a different room so we can have intentional family time.
- Plan Out Work Week– Planning out my work week with specific tasks gives me focus for the week so I can stick to normal hours.
- Batch Content– Batch my blogs and emails for the upcoming month
- Theme my Work Days– In order to be more productive
- Time Off– Take off COMPLETELY for our road trip
January Goals
Below is my January Goals tracking sheet. I have taken SOME of my Quarter 1 Goals and broken them down into monthly, weekly, and daily action items for January. At the end of the month, I will update this with a side-by-side comparison of the progress I made.

How I Stay Accountable
- Tracking My Progress – I check in daily to update my planner and celebrate small wins.
- Reflecting & Refining – At the end of every month and quarter, I evaluate what worked, what didn’t, and what needs adjusting.
- Staying Inspired – I keep a list of motivational quotes in my planner to stay focused when life gets hectic.
- Rewards– I like to reward myself with small and inexpensive things (bubble baths, coffee, manicures, etc) when I hit specific goals.
Start Setting 2025 Goals That Work for You
Setting goals as a busy mom might seem like one extra thing to do, but it’s an investment in yourself and your family. Remember, your goals don’t have to look like mine (or anyone else’s). What matters is that they resonate with you.
If you’re new to goal setting, start small. Choose one or two categories, write down a few simple yearly goals, and go from there. You’ve got this!
I’d love to hear about your goals for 2025. Drop a comment below and share your aspirations — whether it’s crafting the perfect routine, taking that long-postponed trip, or organizing your family’s schedule like a pro.
Here’s to a productive 2025, filled with growth, balance, and joy! 💛
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