I don’t know about you, but I love a fresh start! Whether it’s a new year, month, week, or even day, waking up knowing I have another chance to get it right is so refreshing. With each new year, I like to re-evaluate my priorities and set my intentions. Today I’m sharing my 2021 goals and word of the year.
Last year was the first time I used the Cultivate What Matters Goal Setting Planner, and I was instantly a fan. It quickly changed my mindset from setting “resolutions” to instead creating goals that I could work towards little by little.
If you read my post last year- 2020 Let’s Do This, you will see that many of the goals I set have been carried over to this year. That doesn’t mean I didn’t reach my goals. It simply means they are THAT important to me that I want to continue working on them. I have created smaller “micro-goals” within these larger categories that I will focus on each month, week or day.
That is what is so great about this goal-setting system. You never feel like you are failing because you are constantly making progress!
2021 Goals
Nurture My Family, Marriage, and Relationships
If there is one thing 2020 taught me, it is the importance of family and relationships. I honestly don’t know how I would have gotten through last year if I didn’t have my husband and kids to spend all that downtime with (and drive me crazy lol!)
Nurturing the relationships in my life will always be on the list of priorities because family and friends are the most important things in the world to me.
Build Financial Stability
This year I want to do a better job of being intentional about the things we spend our money on. I want to focus on saving more and making fewer impulse purchases on frivolous things.
Establish and Improve Routines
2020 was the year I really focused on establishing routines. What I quickly learned is this is an ever-changing process depending on the phase of life I am in. Currently, I have two toddlers who need me day and night. I will soon be adding a 3rd baby to the mix, which will again change up my routines.
The key for me this year is to build solid routines that can easily be adjusted to work with the current season of life. That way I can keep my sanity and still run our household efficiently!
Prioritize Physical Health
This goal was a HUGE fail in 2020. I think in the back of my mind I knew we were planning on having another baby, so I had the mentality of “What’s the point?” Now I’m paying for that because I’m not where I want to be at the beginning of this pregnancy.
My micro-goals in this category will surely change after the baby is here, but in the meantime, I really want to focus on having a healthy pregnancy by eating right and moving my body.
Cultivate a Home I Love
Another goal that I carried over from last year is cultivaitng a home I love. We spent a TON of time at home in 2020, and it looks as though 2021 will be no different.
My focus this year is on decluttering and organizing. We have been in our house for almost five years, and have accumulated so much “stuff.” My goal is to take one room at a time and clean it out top to bottom. I started with the laundry room in November and plan to do one room each month.
Strengthen My Faith
I truly feel like my faith suffered in 2020. While it was out of my control, not going to church did not help to build my relationship with God.
This year, I want to make it a priority to start going back to church on a weekly basis. I have also been doing a daily devotional for moms and hope to participate in a bible study later in the year.
Focus on Mental/Emotional Health and Me Time
Just like physical health is important to living a happy life, my mental and emotional health are equally important. We all know the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” It is so true!
This year, especially with the addition of another baby, I need to make myself a priority. While I am clearly not in the stage of life where I can take monthly trips to the spa or spend hours of time meditating each day, I still can carve out small pockets of time to focus on myself.
“Me time” looks different for everyone. The important thing is that I spend this valuable time doing something I enjoy….a bubble bath with a good book, walking around at Target by myself, getting my nails done, or spending an hour in the kitchen cooking without two toddlers at my feet.
I also want to really focus on being patient and more intentional with my family and kids. It’s crazy to me how fast they are growing and more than anything I want my kids to grow up with a happy mom!
Foster Creativity and Follow Through with Projects
I have always been a creative person. It’s how I express myself. Lately, I find myself starting projects, but not following through or writing things down and never even starting. This year I want to do a better job of fostering my creative side and FINISHING the projects I’ve started.
I have a running list of projects I want to tackle this year starting with Audrey’s baby book. Stay tuned to see what else I have up my sleeve!
2021 Word of the Year
I thought a lot about what I wanted my 2021 word of the year to be. I kept coming back to FAITH! Yes, this ties into my goal of strengthening my faith, but it goes deeper than that.
When you look up the definition of faith it says, “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.”
I want to live every day having faith that the decisions I am making are the right ones. That I am working to better myself, to be a loving wife and mother, and that I am doing my part to make the world a little better. Also, I want to have faith in those I surround myself with.
If you would like to follow along on my monthly goal-setting journey, make sure you are subscribed to me on YouTube where I plan to share monthly update videos. The first one with my January goals is linked below:
Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram where I will share a lot more about my 2021 goals and word of the year. Thanks so much for reading and sharing. XOXO
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